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The Directorate is headed by a Director General, reporting to the Cabinet Secretary. The main objectives of the Directorate is to:-

  1. Minimise the cost of public debt management and borrowing over the long-term taking account of risk
  2. Promote the development of the market institutions for Government debt securities; and,
  3. Ensure the sharing of the benefits and costs of public debt between the current and future generations.

The Directorate is organized into three (3) Technical Departments, each headed by a Director. They include:

  • Resource Mobilization
  • Debt Policy, Strategy and Risk Management
  • Debt Recording and Settlement


For enquiries contact:


The Directorate is headed by a Principal Administrative Secretary, reporting to the Principal Secretary. It is organized into twelve (12) specialized functions offering common shared services; these are functions that are not core to the National Treasury but offer critical support services to the Ministry.

The functions include:

  1. Accounting
  2. Finance
  3. Human Resource Management
  4. Human Resource Development
  5. Central Planning and Project Monitoring
  6. Supply Chain Management
  7. Legal
  8. General Administration
  9. Records Management
  10. Internal Audit and Risk Assessment
  11. Information Communication and Technology Unit
  12. Public Communications Unit

he Directorate headed by a Director General, Accounting Services and Quality Assurance reporting to the Principal Secretary, National Treasury. It is organized into the following five (5) Technical Departments each headed by a Director:

  1. Government Accounting Services
  2. Internal Audit Department
  3. Financial Management Information Services (IFMIS)
  4. National Sub-County Treasuries.
  5. Government Digital Payment Unit

The functions of this directorate will include:

  • Legislation and oversight of financial and accounting policies;
  • Designing and prescribing an efficient financial management system for the national and county governments to ensure transparent financial management and standard reporting;
  • Promote transparency, effective management and accountability with regard to public finances in the Public Service;
  • Development of appropriate policies and procedures to guide the internal audit function.
  • n consultation with the Public Sector Accounting Standards Board, ensure that uniform accounting standards are applied by the national government and its entities;
  • Developing policy for the establishment, management, operation and winding up of public funds;
  • Assisting county governments to develop their capacity for efficient, effective and transparent financial management in consultation with Cabinet Secretary, Planning and Devolution.
  • Establish systems for ensuring proper management, control and accounting for the finances of the national government and its entities;
  • Co-ordinate the preparation of annual appropriation accounts and other statutory financial reports of the national government;
  • Consolidate reports of annual appropriations accounts and other statutory financial statements of the national government and county governments and their entities;
  • Develop accounting standards, reporting guidelines and undertake research in identified areas of financial reporting;
  • Initiate Legislation and oversight of internal audit standards and policies;
  • Customization and roll-out of IFMIS across government and counties;
  • Develop effective interfaces with other PFM and e-government systems;
  • Issue guidelines to National Government entities with respect to financial matters and monitoring;
  • Undertake research to inform Policy development;
  • Facilitate budget implementation;
  • Secretariat to the Public Sector Accounting Standards Board
  • Liaise with the Controller of Budget and Auditor General on public financial matters.



The Directorate is headed by a Director General, reporting to the Principal Secretary, National Treasury. It is organized into the following five (5) Technical Departments, each headed by a Director:

  1. Budget Department
  2. Macro and Fiscal Affairs Department
  3. Financial and Sectoral Affairs Department
  4. Inter-Governmental Fiscal Relations
  5. Public Procurement Department

The functions of the Directorate are to:

  • Formulate, implement and monitor macro-economic, fiscal and financial policies and regulations;
  • Prepare annual Division of Revenue Bill and County Allocation of Revenue Bill; Coordinate financial and fiscal relations between the national and county governments;
  • Analyse, monitor and evaluate bilateral and multilateral economic and financial affairs;
  • Coordinate the preparation of the macro-fiscal framework to guide preparation and implementation of the budget;
  • Assist county governments to develop their capacity for efficient, effective and transparent financial management;
  • Formulate Competition and financial markets policies and regulations;
  • Coordinate the implementation of Anti-Money laundering policies;
  • Develop and operationalize policies to position Kenya as an International Financial Centre;
  • Undertake National employment policy management;
  • Develop policy and regulate carbon financing and trading;
  • Assist county governments to develop their capacity for efficient, effective and transparent financial management in consultation with Cabinet Secretary, Devolution and Planning;
  • Promote transparency, effective management and accountability with regard to public finances in the Public Service;
  • Issue guidelines to national government entities with respect to financial matters and monitoring their implementation and compliance;
  • Management of procurement and disposal of assets;
  • Formulate procurement standards and policies and oversee their implementation;
  • Coordinate preparation of budget for the national government;
  • Undertake research to inform policy development.



The Directorate is headed by a Director General, reporting to the Cabinet Secretary. The main objectives of the Directorate is to:-

  1. Minimise the cost of public debt management and borrowing over the long-term taking account of risk
  2. Promote the development of the market institutions for Government debt securities; and,
  3. Ensure the sharing of the benefits and costs of public debt between the current and future generations.

The Directorate is organized into three (3) Technical Departments, each headed by a Director. They include:

  • Resource Mobilization
  • Debt Policy, Strategy and Risk Management
  • Debt Recording and Settlement


For enquiries contact:



The Directorate is headed by a Director General, reporting to the Principal Secretary. It is organized into the following four (4) Technical Departments each headed by a Director:

  1. Government Investment and Public Enterprises
  2. National Assets and Liabilities Management
  3. Pensions Department
  4. Public Investment Management (PIM) Unit

The Directorate undertakes the following functions:

  • Be a custodian of an inventory of national government assets and liabilities except as may be provided by the Constitution or any other legislation;
  • Monitor the management of the finances of public enterprises and investments by the national government and its entities;
  • Monitor financial performance of state corporations;
  • Divestiture of public enterprises and coordination of public private partnerships;
  • Manage the Public investment policy;
  • Assist county governments to develop their capacity for efficient, effective and transparent financial management;
  • Develop policies and regulations on asset management;
  • Formulate public pension policy and administration;
  • Formulate policies and regulations for retirement benefits;
  • Coordinate and manage Group Personal Accident;
  • Process and pay pensions and other benefits; and
  • Undertake research on portfolio management to inform Policy development.


The Public Private Partnerships (PPP) Directorate, which is headed by a Director – General, is the technical arm of the PPP Committee and is mandated to facilitate implementation of the Public Private Partnership Programme and Projects in Kenya. The PPP Directorate’s functions include:

  • Originating, guiding and coordinating the selection, ranking and prioritization of public private partnership projects within the public budget framework;
  • Overseeing project appraisal and development activities of contracting authorities including providing technical expertise in the implementation of projects;
  • Leading contracting authorities in project structuring, procurement, tender evaluation, contract negotiation and deal closure;
  • On its own motion, originating and leading in project structuring and procurement, in liaison with a contracting authority;
  • Supporting the development of public private partnership programmes in the country;
  • Overseeing contract management frameworks for PPP projects;

 For more information on the Directorate, kindly visit: