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Administration and payment of pensions, death gratuities and other retirement benefits to eligible public officers and dependants; operationalization of public sector pension laws and advise on public pension policy.


To ensure the timely, efficient and effective payment of pensions, gratuities and other benefits to eligible employees of the Kenyan Public Service so that they enjoy a dignified and secure livelihood in retirement.


To be a world class institution of excellence in management of Public sector retirement benefits

Core values

Courtesy, Integrity, Fairness, respect, Transparency, Accountability and Professionalism.

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1. What is a Pension?

A pension is a retirement plan that guarantees a retiree a set amount of money every month, for life. This applies to officer who have served in pensionable office and has completed the qualifying service and retires from service on grounds that qualify him for pension. The benefit formula is tied to years of service and a retirees’ last basic salary.

2.What is the qualifying service and age for one to be eligible for pension upon retirement?

The qualifying service for pension is 10 years while the qualifying age for pension is 50 years.

3.What is the mandatory retirement age?

The mandatory retirement age in the Public Service is 60 years. However, for people living with disabilities and who are registered members of the National Council for People Living with Disabilities (NCPLWD), there mandatory retirement age is 65 years.


Bima House
Treasury Annex
P o Box 30007-00100
Harambee Avenue

Tel: 020 2252299

Ext: 33712, 33711, 33710