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Directorate of Accounting Services and Quality Assurance

The Directorate headed by a Director General, Accounting Services and Quality Assurance reporting to the Principal Secretary, National Treasury. It is organized into the following five (5) Technical Departments each headed by a Director:

  1. Government Accounting Services
  2. Internal Audit Department
  3. Financial Management Information Services (IFMIS)
  4. National Sub-County Treasuries.
  5. Government Digital Payment Unit

The functions of this directorate will include:

  • Legislation and oversight of financial and accounting policies;
  • Designing and prescribing an efficient financial management system for the national and county governments to ensure transparent financial management and standard reporting;
  • Promote transparency, effective management and accountability with regard to public finances in the Public Service;
  • Development of appropriate policies and procedures to guide the internal audit function.
  • n consultation with the Public Sector Accounting Standards Board, ensure that uniform accounting standards are applied by the national government and its entities;
  • Developing policy for the establishment, management, operation and winding up of public funds;
  • Assisting county governments to develop their capacity for efficient, effective and transparent financial management in consultation with Cabinet Secretary, Planning and Devolution.
  • Establish systems for ensuring proper management, control and accounting for the finances of the national government and its entities;
  • Co-ordinate the preparation of annual appropriation accounts and other statutory financial reports of the national government;
  • Consolidate reports of annual appropriations accounts and other statutory financial statements of the national government and county governments and their entities;
  • Develop accounting standards, reporting guidelines and undertake research in identified areas of financial reporting;
  • Initiate Legislation and oversight of internal audit standards and policies;
  • Customization and roll-out of IFMIS across government and counties;
  • Develop effective interfaces with other PFM and e-government systems;
  • Issue guidelines to National Government entities with respect to financial matters and monitoring;
  • Undertake research to inform Policy development;
  • Facilitate budget implementation;
  • Secretariat to the Public Sector Accounting Standards Board
  • Liaise with the Controller of Budget and Auditor General on public financial matters.