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Debt Policy, Strategy and Risk Management

Debt Policy, Strategy and Risk Management Department

The department is divided into three (3) divisions, and its main functions include: –

  • Carrying out the government’s debt management policy of minimizing its financing cost over the long-term taking account of risk through preparation, implementation and review of the medium-term debt Strategy;
  • Monitor and evaluate all borrowing and debt-related transactions to ensure that they are within the guidelines and risk parameters of the debt management strategy;
  • Process the issuance of loan guarantees including assessment and management of risks in national government guarantees and Public Private Partnerships (PPP).
  • Transact in derivative financial instruments in accordance with best international practices bench-marked to the debt management offices of other governments that are internationally respected for their practices.
  • Prepare statutory debt related reports for the Cabinet Secretary;
  • Undertake periodic public debt sustainability analysis, portfolio risks and costs analysis;
  • Review public debt management policy and guidelines;
  • Advise and coordinate domestic debt market for government debt securities;